AHK-TA 인간/동물 생리학 교육 키트에는 심혈관, 호흡기 및 신경근 생리학에서 71개의 실험과 175개 이상의 운동을 가르치는 데 필요한 모든 하드웨어 및 구성 요소, LabScribe 소프트웨어 및 전문적으로 작성된 코스웨어가 포함되어 있습니다.
Human Physiology Kits
iWorx Human Physiology Kits include:
- TA Control Module with iWire-compatible Biopotential (ECG, EMG) Amplifier, Built-in Stimulator
- LabScribe™ Software
- Spirometer Flow Head
- Heart Sounds Sensor
- Pulse Probe
- Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Sensor
- Temperature Sensor
- Grip Force Sensor
- Event Marker
- Muscle Twitch Sensor
- Courseware
Animal/Human Physiology Kits
Combination Animal/Human kits add the following:
- Force Transducer
- Nerve Bath Chamber
- Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
Human Physiology Measurements
The kits are suitable for recording and measuring:
- Blood Pressure
- Spirometry
- Reflexes and more…
Animal Physiology Measurements
The kits are suitable for recording and measuring:
- Muscle Contraction
- Frog ECG
- Action Potentials
- Mechano-reflexes and more…