HK-TA Human Physiology Lab Kit 생리학 연구실 키트

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HK-TA Human Physiology Lab Kit에는 생리학 연구실 과정에 필요한 모든 것이 포함되어 있습니다.


  • Step-by-step instructions
  • 57 lab experiments and more than 100 exercises
  • Quick setup
  • Adaptable to any lab manual

Human Physiology Kits

iWorx Human Physiology Kits include:

■ TA Control Module with iWire-compatible Biopotential (ECG, EMG) Amplifier, Built-in Stimulator
■ LabScribe™ Software
■ Spirometer Flow Head
■ Heart Sounds Sensor
■ Pulse Probe
■ Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Sensor
■ Temperature Sensor
■ Grip Force Sensor
■ Event Marker
■ Muscle Twitch Sensor
■ Courseware


Human Physiology Measurements

The kits are suitable for recording and measuring:

■ Blood Pressure
■ Spirometry
■ Reflexes and more…