Pulse Oximeter for Animals

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Pulse Oximeter for Small Animal Testing. Requires either an A-PO2-AWS Wrap Sensor, A-PO2-ALC Lingual Clip Sensor or an A-PO2-ATR Transflectance Senor.

The USB ( PO2-300U) version comes with LabSribe software.

산소포화도(SpO2)와 맥박(PPG) 측정 센서

동물실험을 위한 센서로 생체신호측정기 통합모듈과 함께 사용가능하며 단독모델로 USB연결만으로 사용도 가능합니다.

ECG측정과 전기자극 등 다양한 다른 생체신호들과 동시 측정시 통합모듈과 연결,

SpO2와 PPG만을 측정이 필요하며 통합모듈이 없을 시 USB타입으로 전용 소프트웨어 함께 사용가능

Oxygen Saturation Range 0 to 100%
Pulse Rate Range 18 to 450 pulses per minute
Measurement Wavelengths and Output Red – 660 Nanometers @ 0.8 mW maximum average Infrared – 910 Nanometers @ 1.2 mW maximum average
SpOAccuracy (Arms*) 70-100% 2% of full scale for adults using Nonin Finger Clip Sensor Below 70% not specified
Rate Accuracy 3%  or 1 digit
Temperature : Operating 0° C to +50° C (32° F to +122° F)
Temperature :Non Operating -20° C to +70° C (-4° F to +158° F)
Humidity 10 to 90% Non-Condensing
  • Transflectance Sensor ( A-PO2-ATR)
    Transflectance Sensor ( A-PO2-ATR)

    The smallest probe we offer; ideally suited for continuous monitoring. Can be placed on the underside of the animal, at the base of the tail, or on other well-perfused surfaces.

  • Wrap Sensor (A-PO2-AWS)
    Wrap Sensor (A-PO2-AWS)

    Flexible wrap sensor can be placed on a small, well-perfused appendage. Easily secured; ideal for continuous monitoring during long surgical or other procedures. Most often used on rodents or other very small animals.

  • Lingual Clip Sensor ( A-PO2-ALC ) 
    Lingual Clip Sensor ( A-PO2-ALC ) 

    Clip-on sensor for tongue or well-perfused areas, as appropriate. Custom designed grippers hold the application site without excessive pressure. Use in surgery and for monitoring during recovery while patient is immobile.