Ultimate Animal & Human Physiology Teaching Kit에는 심혈관, 호흡기 및 신경근 생리학에 대한 93개의 실험과 200개 이상의 운동을 가르치는 데 필요한 모든 하드웨어 및 구성 요소, LabScribe 소프트웨어 및 전문적으로 작성된 코스웨어가 포함되어 있습니다.
생리학 연구실 실험
The UAHK-TA Ultimate Animal & Human Physiology Teaching Kit includes
- IX-TA-220 data recorder
- LabScribe Software with site license and free updates.
- Isolated ECG/EMG/EEG iWire Module ( iWire-B3G)
- Spirometry – Re-useable Flow Head 300L (A-FH-300)
- Blood Pressure Cuff and valve (BP-220)
- Event Marker (EM-220)
- Hand Dynamometer (FT-220) with A-BT-220 Tubing .
- Stethoscope (HSM-220) and HeadPhone (A-BNC-HP)
- Pulse Plethysmograph. (PT-104)
- Striated Muscle Transducer (SMT-220)
- Temperature Probe (TM-220)
- Single-Axis Goniometer (GN-100)
- Pulse Oximeter (PO2-CMS50D)
- Patellar Reflex Hammer (PRH-200)
- EEG Headband (A-HB-IWIRE) with A-CEG SignaGel
- Respiration Monitor (nasal cannula) (A-RM-220)
- GSR Finger Electrodes (C-ISO-GSR)
- GSR Electrode Paste (A-GSR-GEL)
- Force Transducer (FT-302)
- Nerve Bath Chamber (NBC-401)
- Oxygen Electrode ( ISE-730)
- Bi-Polar Stimulating Electrode ( A-BST-100)
- Platinum Needle Recording Electrodes ( C-ISO-PN3)
- Platinum Needle Stimulating Electrodes ( C-BNC-PN2)
- Dissection Kit (A-STK-125)
- Femur Calmp(A-FEM-7025),
- Stand (A-TB-NMB-125) & positioner (A-TB-MXBLK)
- Student Respiration Kit (A-SRK-1)
- Spirometer Tubing (A-ST-300-TA)
- Power Supply for IX-TA (A-UP12-DC-25-1.5A)
- Disposable Adult Electrodes A-GC-7165
- Stimulator Cable – Safety to Snap-Lead (C-HVS-SL2)
- Recording Leads – Safety to Snap-Lead (C-ISO-SL7)
- USB Cable (C-USB)
- Kit Box (A-KB-TA)